What is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial Release (pronounced, myō-fash'-ăl), as originally developed and taught by John F. Barnes, PT, is a whole body, hands-on therapy technique that is highly effective for eliminating pain and restoring restricted movement.  This unique form of manual therapy is applied directly to the skin without use of oils, machinery, or equipment of any kind.

Myofascial Release (or MFR), consists of firm, gentle and sustained pressure into restricted tissue (taking the slack out), without gliding on the surface of the skin.  This sustained pressure engages the elastic, muscular, and collagenous components of the soft tissue. Applying sustained pressure over time facilitates the piezoelectric phenomenon, which means electricity resulting from pressure.

  • Piezoelectricy: A slow gentle pressure applied over time allows the viscoelastic mediums within fascia to elongate.

In order to achieve permanent elongation, or “release”, the stretch must be held for a minimum of 5-7 minutes.  Following a series of releases, the tissue becomes softer and more pliable, taking pressure off pain sensitive structures, and eliminating painful symptoms. John Barnes’ Sustained Myofascial Release removes the 'straight-jacket' of pressure and allows the body's soft tissues to rehydrate and achieve optimum functioning again.  


What is Fascia? (The fabric of our being)

Fascia (aka connective tissue), surrounds, supports, and infuses every muscle, organ, blood vessel, nerve, and bone in the body, down to a cellular level. In response to direct trauma, repetitive stress, and disease processes, fascia tightens and hardens over time. This restricted tissue then begins to pull & compress adjacent structures, causing additional pain and adverse symptoms.  

It has been estimated that fascial restrictions can have a tensile strength of up to 2000 pounds per square inch; this amount of pressure can literally crush vital structures enveloped in a restriction.  Since the fascial system runs throughout the body from head to toe with tensegrity, it can cause a significant amount of pain in any system (e.g. muscular, skeletal, neurological, vascular, circulatory, digestive, etc.), which oftentimes manifests itself as unexplained pain in other areas of the body.

Restrictions anywhere in the fascial system can cause:

  • Pain

  • Weakness

  • Lost Function

  • Abnormal Sensation

  • Compromised Blood Flow

  • Decreased Range of Motion, Strength, & Power Output

  • and can mimic almost any diagnosis!

    Many problems go undiagnosed because fascial restrictions do not show up on standardized tests such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, or Myelograms.

    See for yourself how dynamic live fascia really is! (Live fascia, magnified 25 times using an endoscopy HD camera.)

    The following video is an excerpt from educational DVD, "Interior Architectures"by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Jean- Claude Guimberteau, MD:

Gentle, never forcing… Myofascial Release is safe for all ages!


Myofascial Release techniques are gently administered and therefore safe for patients of all ages. The amount of pressure used for children is significantly less than what is typically applied during treatment with adults. MFR is never forceful, and is therefore tolerated beautifully by babies and toddlers. Children find Myofascial Release treatment extremely intuitive to their bodies’ needs.

It’s never too soon to begin treatment. (In a utopian society we would begin treating babies (& Mommas) immediately after childbirth, in order to set them up for success. Why wait for a problem- a diagnosis- to manifest? Prevention is key!)

Benefits of Pediatric MFR:

  • Lessen effects of birth related trauma

  • Decrease & eliminate colic behaviors

  • Improve oral motor control for feeding

  • Assist with better absorption of nutrients

  • Facilitate normal developmental milestones & sensory processing

  • Restore restricted range of motion & function


Commonly treated within the Pediatric population:

  • Reflux

  • Torticolis

  • Birth Trauma

  • Developmental Delay

  • Cerebral Palsy or Neuologic Issues

  • Constipation & Digestive Issues

  • Muscle Spasms & Cramping

  • Pain & Headaches

  • Sensory Dysfunction

  • Scoliosis

  • and more!